[Zope-dev] Re: core i18n support

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 21:08:11 +0100

From: "Dirk Datzert" <Dirk.Datzert@rasselstein-hoesch.de>
> Lennart Regebro schrieb:
> > Fine, but that is also useless for translating Zope core,
> Why ? I dont't understand this ! I have translated thr OFS of Zope on my
> working very well.

Because if you delete the Data.fs the translations go away. If you have
multiple installations of Zope, and you need to change one translation, you
would have to update each instance. If you upgrade Zope, new translations
would not appear, and so on.
Not very practical. :-)

The translation of Zope, and also of other products that you install, need
to be a part of Zope or the products. When you install a product, the
translations should be installed at the same time.

> I thing that the store ist only filesystem based.

Well, then the "war" between Localizer and ZBabel will end right here and
right now. :-) Both solutions are needed for an integration of
internationalization in Zope. Both products/methods should be integrated
into one product for Zope 2.5 and the inserted into the Zope3 core when the
bugs are removed.