EINTR ... was Re: [Zope-dev] browser closing connection

Leonardo Rochael Almeida leo@hiper.com.br
11 Dec 2001 13:08:27 -0200

So, which is the "official" way of fixing Zope 2.4.3? wait for a hotfix?
apply Matthew's patch? steal asyncore from Python 2.2?

On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 12:52, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> >>>>> "MTK" == Matthew T Kromer <matt@zope.com> writes:
>   MTK> For what its worth, I tracked this down in the sources and
>   MTK> confirmed that in Zope 2.3, we shipped a modified asyncore.py
>   MTK> with Medusa that handled EINTR, but in Zope 2.4 we used stock
>   MTK> Python's asyncore which does NOT handle EINTR being returned
>   MTK> from select().  IMHO, the distributed Python 2.1 asyncore
>   MTK> behavior is incorrect.
> This is fixed in Python 2.2.
> [...]

Ideas don't stay in some minds very long because they don't like
solitary confinement.