[Zope-dev] Re: Zope 2.4 crashes -- possible fix identified, other solutions also suggested
Matthew T. Kromer
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 09:10:20 -0500
Stefano Noferi wrote:
>Hi Matt and other zopers,
>thanks for your help.
>I've tested other combinations, also with Zope cvs unreleased version at
>cvs.zope.org, and the test script (province) run well if it's the only
>script in the ZODB.
>But inserting it in a CMF 1.1 skin, my Zope (2.4.x, 2.5.x, cvs version, with
>python 2.1,2.1.1,2.2b2 with and without pymalloc and cycle-gc) auto
>restart.. with a minor frequency.. but auto restart.
>The old zbytecode in 2.3.x PythonScripts can help us?
>It's possible to inactivate the RestrictedPython compiler in a Zope
>2.4.x/2.5.x ? The security problem is under control for now (obviously, just
>for portal with predefined and secure contents editable by users).
>I think inactivation can be a solution for now, waiting for definitive, well
>running version of RestrictedPython engine.
>What do you think about?
Hi Stefano,
We're still aware of a few potential innacuracies in the stack size
computations for the python compiler module which can be causing
problems; also the change to ExtensionClass.h tested previously on a
branch is not merged into the main development branches.
As much as possible, we're trying to isolate problems by changing one
thing at a time, rather than many things all at once.
A side effect of shutting off the garbage collector is that you can have
some storage leaks. We're working on being able to re-enable the
garbage collector so that you don't exhaust memory over time.