[Zope-dev] disabling gc does not necessarily hide memory corruption
Chris McDonough
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:46:16 -0500
This behavior is with the patches to the compiler package that were the
genesis of this thread?
Anthony Baxter wrote:
>>>>Leonardo Rochael Almeida wrote
>>>From my mile-high look at the issues, it seems like the cycle-gc asks
>>for an object where to look for for it's references (at least thats what
>>the tp_traverse function looks like it does). So, if your tp_traverse
>>sends the gc somewhere it shouldn't go (or if tp_traverse itself is not
>>some C function pointer), you get a crash.
> When I look at it, I see the GC hitting an object with a null tp_type, and
> a refcount of 1. This is monster bogus - but normally (non-GC) it would
> just be ignored and sit there as a small memory leak.
>>import gc
>>also stops the SIG11 without the need of a python recompile, but I'll
>>only be sure when the server gets office-hours-traffic tomorrow morning.
> I find that if I do this I get a vast vast number of RestrictedPython
> cycles leaking (according to the manage_debug screen) and memory consumption
> goes through the roof.
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Chris McDonough Zope Corporation
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