[Zope-dev] Re: Strange error message: "function attributes not accessible in restricted mode"

Stephan Richter richter_wolfgang@t-online.de
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 15:36:16 -0600

>I have two Zope 2.5 b2 installations on two seemingly identical machines,
>both with PostgreSQL, ZPsyCopDA, and DBObjects. In the DBObjects demo, I am
>getting THIS (see below) on one of the machines (the one with the slightly
>older installation).
>Very strange for me. What the hell is "restricted mode"? Something new in
>the RestrictedPython environment? And what could explain the fact that it
>happens on one machine, but not on the other?

Well, it came with Zope 2.4. Thomas Foester posted that problem and I think 
it is fixed in the CVS. If not, I have to ask Thomas to check it in. The 
restricted mode is the Python mode that is executed at Zope runtime in the 
Zope environment.


Stephan Richter
iuveno AG - Technical Design and Implementation
Technical Design and Development