Tux (was: Re: [Zope-dev] Storing part of an object...)

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin@texoma.net
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 10:45:01 -0600

Hello Shane,

This would be great. I just compiled my first kernel to upgrade to
2.4.1. Yeah!!!

Zope/ZServer fronted by Tux could be a tremendous tool. Allowing Tux to
do as much of what it does best and allowing Zope to do as much as it
does best would be unbeatable.

If Zope could feed Tux cacheable objects without them being required to
be on the filesystem, that would be great. One could develop their site
pretty much the same way with the exception of using the Tux HTTP cache
manager and selecting the objects to be cached.

Tux will forward requests to Zope via either cgi or a user-module. Using
cgi Tux doesn't cache the objects. It wouldn't be as big a gain. A
user-module can take advantage of Tux's user-module API for handling
requests and caching. But as I said, I don't read or program C so I
don't know how to do this. I have started looking at some C tutorial
material so I can at least understand some of the sample code.

There is a sample program written for SpecWeb which gives a better
example of it's user api.

The CAD_u.c module.

Tux is multiprocessor capable, so theoretically you could put Zope/ZEO
on a multiprocessor machine with Tux and have an interesting time. :)

For those who didn't read the initial post about Tux in the other thread
here's info.

Jimmie Houchin

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Jimmie Houchin wrote:
> > I think it would be interesting to see Zope fronted by Tux. If there
> > were a Tux cache manager for Zope that would be awesome.
> Actually, if Tux works the way I think, an accelerated HTTP cache
> manager should be just what you're looking for.  If you can just get Tux
> to forward requests to Zope, you should be home free!
> I've been considering upgrading to 2.4.1, maybe this is a good reason to
> do it.
> If I read the README correctly, it may also be possible to make use of
> Tux's server-side include directives to cache pieces of pages.  If this
> worked, you'd almost be able to run cnn.com on a 486. ;-)
> Shane