[Zope-dev] ZCatalog scalability

Erik Enge erik+list@esol.no
19 Feb 2001 01:13:14 +0100

[Michael R. Bernstein]

| What I'm looking for is any indication that object creation time
| and/or indexing time goes up with the number of objects already in
| the ZODB.

Well, one thing I've already learned - which you all probably know -
is that you do _not_ want to put index_object() in your class'
__init__() method.  That's because the CatalogAwarness class you
subclass does this for you in the manage_afterAdd() method.

If you put index_object() in __init__() you might as well go on
holliday before it's finished.  A long one.
| Will you be populating the ZODB in batches (say 100,000 objects or
| so)?

I'll do that as a secondary solution, if doing it in one batch is too

| If so, can you benchmark each batch, so we can see if the batch
| proccessing time goes up as you progress through the 270 batches?

Yes.  ĄNo problemo, senor! :)