[Zope-dev] What's 'section' in blocks[0] in block dtml tag?
LEE Kwan Soo
Tue, 2 Jan 2001 11:51:15 +0900
Hi. I'm playing/struggling to make a custom block dtml tag.
Let me call it, dtml-quote tag.
dtml-quote tag is similar to dtml-comment tag except it will emit
html_quoted, not rendered version of what lies
between <dtml-quote> ... </dtml-quote>.
(I feel it will be usefull when I show & write some dtml examples on my
korean zope site).
After seeing around some python sources,
I finally got that tname is the name of the tag, args is args, and section
is something, in the following code.
def __init__(self, blocks):
tname, args, section = blocks[0]
and section seems to have 6 attributes/methods:
'__name__', '_v_blocks', '_v_cooked', '_vars', 'blocks', 'globals', 'raw'
But that mistic raw is null string, '' and blocks is no help for me.
How can I retrieve the raw source string enclosed in a block tag pair?
LEE Kwan Soo.
ps. My English is evem more cryptic this morning. Sorry I've sat up alnight play
Kingdom Under Fire.