[Zope-dev] Mapping multiple IP addresses/domains to one Zope

Michael Bernstein webmaven@lvcm.com
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 19:26:57 -0800

Aaron Gillette wrote:
> My company has many sites which share some content. Each site uses a
> different IP address. I would like to bring all of these sites into one
> instance of Zope on an NT machine. I am looking at the possibility of either
> 1) running Zope behind IIS, or 
> 2) running Zserver exclusively.

You have a third possibility, which is to run Zope behid
Apache on NT. I would guess that this list has more
experience with Apache rewrite rules than IIS.

This setup should also be fairly easy to migrate to Linux.

Personally, I've found it more convenient to point all my
domains to a single IP address, and let Zope (with help from
SiteAccess) handle the rest. This has been easier, even
though Zope is behind Apache, as Zope Access Rules are
easier to create (IMO) than dealing with name or IP based
virtual hosting under Apache. Those Apache rewrite rules are
horribly cryptic.


Michael Bernstein.