[Zope-dev] asynchat producer ready() method patch.
Donovan Baarda
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 23:18:04 +1100
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 07:26:56PM +0100, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Donovan Baarda writes:
> > On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 09:31:07PM +0100, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> > > Donovan Baarda writes:
> > > > I remember reading ages ago on a wishlist for ZServer that someone was
> > > > thinking of adding blocking support to producers. This patch adds support
> > > > for just that in a non-intrusive way. I haven't tried applying this patch to
> > > > ZServer, but it _should_ work.
> > > What does "blocking support dor producers" mean?
> >
> > Disclaimer: you must be moderately familiar with ZServer/medusa/asynchat for
> > the following to make sense;
> >
> > Asynchat used by ZServer and medusa use producers as a way to "push" data
> > through an async interface. The current version of asynchat requires that
> > producers be able to produce data immediately on calling their more()
> > method, untill they are finished, when they return ''.
> >
> > My patch adds support for producers being able to "block" by letting
> > asynchat know if they are ready via a ready() method. This allows you to use
> > the simple producer model to push data that may not be immediately
> > available. An example would be a http-fetch producer that fetches data from
> > upstream for a proxy.
> >
> > This patch is only useful for people creating or modifying things like
> > medusa or ZServer.
> Thank you for this good explanation.
> By now, I think, it would not be usefull for ZServer, at least
> not for standard operations.
> ZServer is a multi-threaded server, where different requests
> are serviced by different threads.
> The thread may block and does simply not return from "more()".
> On first thought, you patch might free some blocked threads
> to do productive work. However, Zope's transaction system
> is linked to thread management. If you patch would be used
> for that, Zope's transaction subsystem would need to be
> rewritten.
Hmmm, it's been a while since I looked at ZServer, I might have to take
another look. I thought that it pre-spawned a number of threads that each
ran their own asyncore.loop event handler. I thought this was a neat way to
get the benefits of async event handlers and distributing threads on
multiple processors. Unless it spawns new threads when it needs them, it
would still be possible for ZServer to get blocked if all the threads were
However, my patch is only useful if you _have_ producers that can block. It
is usually possible to re-structure your system so that no producers block
(typicaly by using a dispatcher instead of a producer). The ready() block
feature is really a shortcut way of modifying an existing producer-based
design when you realise that the producer can block; ie an alternative way
of implementing it that may or may not be better.
In my case I wanted to create a cached-ftp-backend filesystem that medusa
could serve via ftp or http. Unfortunately the existing ftp and http server
implementations used producers to pull data from the abstract filesystem.
Since my "filesystem" could block pretty severly, I either needed to
completely re-write the http and ftp servers to use dispatchers instead of
producers, or implement blocking for producers (or use a seperate thread for
each request, but I thought that defeated the purpose of using an async
event loop).
I really must look at ZServer to figure out how it handles things... I
suspect that my patch by itself would not _hurt_ ZServer, but perhaps if you
started using the ready() feature it provides it might cause problems. I'll
have a look at ZServer again soon and give you an evaluation of how my patch
would interact with it.
Who knows, someone might find a need for blocking producers as ZServer
evolves, and if people know the patch exists, they might use it instead of
re-structuring to get around it :-)
ABO: finger abo@minkirri.apana.org.au for more info, including pgp key