[Zope-dev] Zope LDAP
Thu, 05 Jul 2001 15:59:00 +0200
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I am trying to use a Zope LDAP Connector to interface with an
OpenLDAP server 2.0.7.
I compiled the Python LDAP API 1.10 alpha3.
Did someone know if there is some problem using this library?
I use Zope 2.3.3 on Linux Suse 7.1
Thanks in advance
Alessandro COTA
CSP s.c. a r.l. - INLAB
Laboratorio&Tecnologie - PA
Via Livorno, 60 - 10144 Torino [IT]
tel. +39 011 316 5107
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I am trying to use a Zope LDAP Connector to interface with an
OpenLDAP server 2.0.7.
<br>I compiled the Python LDAP API 1.10 alpha3.
<br>Did someone know if there is some problem using this library?
<br>I use Zope 2.3.3 on Linux Suse 7.1
<br>Thanks in advance
Alessandro COTA
CSP s.c. a r.l. - INLAB
Laboratorio&Tecnologie - PA
Via Livorno, 60 - 10144 Torino [IT]
tel. +39 011 316 5107