[Zope-dev] Curiously Zope Hanging
Paul Zwarts
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:09:51 +0200
Yes, thanks for mentioning that Frederico.
I _should_ have said thats what I used in PoPy. I dont use it anymore with
your product. : ), but that doesnt mean I'm any wiser for this. But *magic*
is a highly used term in programming these days, so I'm not worried too
much. At least I dont have unhappy customers anymore.
-----Original Message-----
From: Federico Di Gregorio [mailto:fog@mixadlive.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 3:30 PM
To: Paul Zwarts
Cc: Andre Schubert; steve@spvi.com; zope
Subject: RE: [Zope-dev] Curiously Zope Hanging
On 12 Jul 2001 15:20:16 +0200, Paul Zwarts wrote:
> I've had this problem as well, although I changed from ZPopPy to
> psycopg0.99.4 which solved the problem. What I found in REdhat Linux 7.1,
> where the ps -ef command now queries more info from its children, I
> saw the status of my dbms threads. The Zope hanging maybe wasnt zope
> directly. It still translated requests BUT I saw in ps -ef:
> postgresql db01 UPDATE waiting.....
> This is where the hang is. Several emails from Dieter just confused me
> Something about Zope not having imlicit commits on transactions, so you
> to make sure a <dtml-call transaction().commit()> was placed somehwere.
> seemed to solve some problems at the time for me although I got alot of :
> Warning: COMMIT, No transacion in progress
never, never, never do that with psycopg. psycopg cooperates with zope
(that *does* commit on transactions) and has real transaction control.
with zope+psycopg you'll get a commit (or abort) just at the end of the
requested page.
Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology fog@mixadlive.com
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact fog@debian.org
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cliente; e mi ha succhiato un pezzo di
anima. -- Alessandro Rubini