[Zope-dev] cgi.py vulnerability = opera multipart handling
Christian Theune
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 08:23:23 +0200
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You are right I did not pay that much. Well, I did not thought
of "blaming" really somebody ... just for looking where the
mistake is.
The problem with the Hotfix is following: If one of those
malformed Requests are sent, Zope just raises an Exception
and tells, that there is an invalid boundary thing.
(As you wrote in a previous posting on opera and zope,=20
the newline before the boundary seems to be the reason.)
So Opera is completely unusable and i just want to know
who i should address for that, the opera team for the malformed
request or the Zope Server.
As the next posting tells, it seems to be the Opera, so=20
i will address that to them, to watch out for their=20
multipart form code.
On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 09:16:48PM +0200, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Christian Theune writes:
> > It seems that my longrunning-unanswered problem with Opera
> > and Zope (see earlier Posts) is the same as the cgi.py
> > problem.
> >=20
> > My Question: These Requests, that cause the DoS, are they
> > malformed or valid?
> >=20
> > I need to know because if they are malformed, i have to blame=20
> > the opera team, if they are valid, i have to blame someone
> > at ZC to fix it otherwise.
> Why do you want to blame someone?
> Install the "cgi" fix and be happy if your problem disappears.
> If not, we (mostly you) need to look further to find
> the cause of your problem...
> Remember, you did not pay 200.000 $ to get Zope....
> Dieter
Christian Theune - ct@gocept.com
gocept gmbh & co.kg - schalaunische strasse 6 - 06366 koethen/anhalt
tel.+49 3496 3099112 - fax.+49 3496 3099118 mob. - 0178 48 33 981
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