[Zope-dev] ZPL and GPL
Jerome Alet
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:21:14 +0200 (MET DST)
On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> >>> Jerome Alet wrote
> > I personnally would love to see both Python and Zope be GPLed.
> Why? No really. Exactly what do you gain from this? Assuming Zope's
> license becomes GPL compatible, any packages you release you can choose
> to GPL. Why do you think having the GPL is a good thing for the core
> package? Ideological reasons? How does releasing under the GPL make
> the world a better place?
For Zope it's not sure, but for Python, as well as for all what people
usually call "open source" languages, the license of choice should be
the GPL, or at least the LGPL, in order for the language in question to
not become bastardized by some powerful entity.
The problem with plain GPL, as mentionned in my previous message, is that
this would make a lot of people run away. However the LGPL seems to be a
very good choice, because this wouldn't allow the core (of Python or Zope)
to be bastardized with proprietary versions, while still allowing
proprietary products/extensions to be created.
And yes, a thounsand times yes, I use the GPL for ideological reasons,
because I really believe this will make the world a better place. But
please don't let this thread become the usual licenses flame war...
However I'm not blind, and Zope is an existing product which many people
use with (and develop) proprietary products. That's why I said that the
GPL wouldn't be realistic.
I've thought about the LGPL, and doesn't see any argument against it.
Jerome Alet