oodb philosophics ;) was: Re: [Zope-dev] Experiments with
Cees de Groot
Sat, 12 May 2001 00:21:05 +0200
cduncan@kaivo.com said:
> This is true in the ZODB, but can be complicated by acquisition.
Cheap cop-out: I was planning to avoid acquisition in my "business object"
database (which will be a database separate from the Zope ZODB). Personally,
I'm not very convinced of the necessity and advantages of acquisition,
contrasted with the issues that often arise because acquisition picks a
different thing from what the developer thought it would do. It seems OK for a
strictly hierarchical collection of web-enabled objects, but I am thinking
about a business model, where I don't see a lot of advantages in inflicting
behavior onto objects through a containment hierarchy. But then, I didn't read
the original paper so please prove me wrong.
Cees de Groot http://www.cdegroot.com <cg@cdegroot.com>
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