[Zope-dev] ZPivotTable doesnt save its data dictionary

florian_reiser@gmx.de florian_reiser@gmx.de
Sun, 13 May 2001 16:43:54 +0200

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thanks for your reply. It helped me a lot.

Do you have me a tip how I can get all Z SQL Methods in an selection field.
I've found the superValues('Z SQL Method') function, but I'm having problems
using it, because it can only be used in python.

So how can I get the result returned from this function in my dtml form?

thanx in advance


On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 09:57:42AM -0400, Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
> florian,
> without even looking at the code, when you use simple data types (lists,
> dictionaries, etc) to store your data you have to make sure that the
> persistence machinery gets tickled the right way whenever you update valu=
> with those simple storage datatypes it won't know things have changed unl=
> you specifically tell it.
> you would need to do either something like this::
>   self.my_storage_dictionary['newvalue'] =3D x
>   self._p_changed =3D 1
> or you could do it like this:
>   dictionary =3D self.my_storage_dictionary
>   dictionary['newvalue'] =3D x
>   self.my_storage_dictionary =3D dictionary
> or you could simply use one of the helper classes that come with zope, li=
> "PersistentMapping". it emulates a dictionary and makes sure the persiste=
> machinery gets told about changes.
> jens
> On 5/12/01 10:27, "florian_reiser@gmx.de" <florian_reiser@gmx.de> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >=20
> > I've started to program a pivot table.
> >=20
> > Therefore I've created three classes:
> >=20
> > ZPivotTable, Row and Cell.
> >=20
> > The ZPivotTable class contains a set of Row classes, stored in a dictio=
> > as well as the Row classes contain a set of Cell classes stored in a
> > dictionary.
> >=20
> > Now I am debugging the product and can't find the reason why the table =
> > store the rows in its dictionary.
> >=20
> > Could you please help me finding this bug.
> >=20
> > The source is stored under the following address:
> > http://www.zope.org/Members/freiser/ZPivotTable/ZPivotTable-0.0.tar.gz
> >=20
> > Thanks
> >=20
> > Florian Reiser

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