[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] xmlrpc slowness
Shilad Sen
Mon, 21 May 2001 14:41:12 -0500 (CDT)
Hello Albert,
Thanks for the info. I have been researching Zope and Medusa, and I had
to add one function to be compatible. It was a quick fix, and the new
release should be up on http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/py-xmlrpc some
time today.
The method you care about for integration is activeFds(). Both client and
server objects have this method (I just added it to the client in 0.8.5).
It returns a 3 tuple of active file descriptors similar to the args for
select(): (inputFds, outputFds, excFds).
Once one of these file descriptors returns ready, you simply call the work
method with a time of 0.0. This will do any work that can be immediately
done and return.
An example included in the newest release follows:
def exampleActiveFds():
c = xmlrpc.client('localhost', PORT, '/blah')
c.nbExecute('echo', ['hello', 'world'], activeFdCall, 'blah')
c.work(0.0) # you must "prime the pump"
while 1:
(inFd, outFd, excFd) = c.activeFds()
select.select(inFd, outFd, excFd)
def activeFdCall(client, response, addArgs):
print 'result is', xmlrpc.parseResponse(response)
Note that you cannot queue up another nbExecute() call until the first
one finishes. This means you will probably either need to keep a relatively
small pool of clients around, or keep a command queue.
I benchmarked this, and on my machine it looks like it adds about .0005
seconds per call. Nothing big.
My guess is that anyone familiar with the Zope/asyncore/medusa interface could
implement this properly in a few hours. I'll try to do it on my own, but
I'm not familiar with medusa or Zope, so it will probably take some time.
This will probably be a big efficiency win for xmlrpc and Zope. You won't
have to use a separate threads for xmlrpc requests, and they can be handled
in your regular event loop (asyncore/medusa).
The new release should be up by the end of the day. Let me know where we
go from here.
> [Shilad]
> The new release is up on sourceforge. It should be compatible with the
> Zope client/server it was tested against. It is at:
> http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/py-xmlrpc
> Let me know how it goes. I'm curious to see what kind of speed increase
> you see. My guess is that the implementation at the other xmlrpc end will
> be the bottle-neck pretty soon.
> [Albert]
> Thanks *very* much for this!!!
> 1000 xml-rpc calls per second with commodity hardware sounds pretty
> attractive!
> I've had to just pass it on to a friend to checkout at the moment, but
> will try to get back to you soon with speed results, as I'm sure the
> other 3 CCs will. I've added the Zope list back to the addresses as
> there may be others there interested in trying it out now that Phil Harris
> has confirmed the new version interworks correctly with the Zope
> implementation. Also added [Zope-dev] list as Zope developers should
> be more interested and Matt Hamilton as issues below may be closely
> related to his posting "[Zope-dev] Asyncore in an external method".
> http://lists.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/2001-May/011274.html
> In a previous email CC you said:
> "I'm really excited that zope people may be using this. Let me know if you
> have any questions/concerns/requests."
> As you've also done binary releases for Windows and the various unixen that
> Zope does releases for, it should be suitable for actually integrating
> into Zope rather than just as an add-on "Product" or it's present form
> as just a separate python process talking to Zope rather than implementing
> Zope's xml-rpc itself.
> So here goes with some questions/concerns/requests...
> In the README you mention:
> "Some time I should document everything better, especially the nonblocking
> aspects of the server and client."
> and
> "
> * Non-Blocking IO: This becomes important when you have critical
> applications (especially servers) that CANNOT be held up because a client
> is trickling a request in or is reading a response at 1 byte per second.
> * Event based: This goes hand in hand with non-blocking IO. It lets you
> use an event based model for your client/server application, where the
> main body is basically the select loop on the file descriptors you are
> interested in. The work is done by registering callbacks for different
> events you received on file descriptors. This can be very nice. There is
> some work to be done here, but all the hooks are in place. See TO DO for
> a list of the features that have yet to be incorporated."
> (BTW there is currently no "TO DO" file.)
> These aspects are a very big advantage. For Zope as a client, I suspect
> that the trickling issue may also be very important since it
> could be blocking an expensive Zope thread while waiting for a
> response from a slow remote server to pass on some information in
> response to relayed request (ie http/xmlrpc relay mode or even straight
> xmlrpc/xmlrpc proxy mode).
> As you also mentioned, "the implementation at the other xmlrpc
> end will be the bottle-neck pretty soon".
> Sorry I'm not very familiar with how to do this stuff myself, so I have
> 3 questions which maybe you could answer when you get around to doing
> those docs (or even better by also providing implementations in the
> next release ;-) or perhaps someone else on CC list knows the answers
> or is planning to do something about it?
> 1) I'm not sure if I've got it right, but my understanding is that despite
> being based on a Medusa Reactor design that can handle many web hits
> with a single thread, Zope also maintains a small pool of threads to
> allow for (brief) blocking on calls to the file system for ZODB and
> for (also brief) external connections. I suspect these threads are
> "expensive" because they each end up keeping separate copies of
> cached web pages etc (to avoid slow python thread switching). So
> simply increasing the number of such threads is not recommended for
> improving Zope performance - performance relies on the non-blocking
> async Medusa Reactor design of Zserver, not on the threading, which
> just seems to be a sort of extra workaround.
> If that is correct, then a few concurrent external calls to slow external
> xmlrpc servers (eg for credit card authorization taking 30 seconds
> or more) could easily tie up a lot of Zope resources. The non-blocking
> py-xmlrpc client could presumably surrender it's turn in the main event
> loop for it's thread until a response is received and then be woken up
> by the response, thus improving things greatly.
> Unfortunately I have no idea how to do this - whether it would just happen
> automatically or there are built in facilities for doing that sort of thing
> easily in Zope already, or whether it is difficult to do.
> I am just guessing that there would be some special
> tricks needed to wake up a channel when a response comes back (eg using
> the stuff in Zserver/medusa/select_trigger.py and Zserver/PubCore/.
> which I don't fully understand, but looks relevant).
> Maybe I have misunderstood, but it looks to me like existing
> use of xmlrpc clients *from* Zope to external servers may not take this
> into account, but just block a thread. So even though the *server* side of
> xmlrpc used to "publish" zope objects is non-blocking with Zserver/Medusa,
> it may be just blocking a Zope thread when either an xmlrpc or http web
> "hit" results in a blocking xmlrpc call to an external server *from* Zope
> as a client. Some difficulty handling a separate set of socket selects
> for client calls to external servers may be the reason for this, and may
> relate to Matt Hamilton's problem.
> That might not show up in simple testing of the server side, but could
> become a serious bottleneck with a heavy load of such external calls
> arising from multiple web hits concurrently when Zope is acting as a
> proxy/relay to a slow external server rather than just responding itself.
> eg with 10 Zope threads and 30 second external delays you might end up
> with every thread blocked when a hit arrives every 3 seconds if only the
> server side of Zope is non-blocking but the client side blocks. That
> would be a shame if the server alone could handle 1000 calls per second,
> which might translate to 500 relayed or proxied calls per second,
> (regardless of the external delay of 30 seconds) if both sides were
> non-blocking (ok 30 x 500 = 15,000 micro-thread "channels" is pushing
> it even though they are just dormant waiting for a response most of the
> time - but references from the Medusa site indicate that sort of thing
> is at least *theoretically* possible ;-)
> http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html
> At any rate, a *lot* more than 1 every 3 seconds should be feasible,
> without wasting ridiculous amounts of RAM for per thread Zope caches.
> (It would still be less than 4 per second instead of 1000 per second
> even if the external delay was only 3 seconds - the critical thing
> is whether a non-blocking client can be integrated with Zope, taking
> into account the multi-threading as well as async Reactor design
> of Zope).
> Any comments?
> 2) Medusa has an async non-blocking "pure python" xmlrpc handler
> using asyncore - based on "xmlrpcserver.py" by Fredrik Lundh
> (www.pythonware.com).
> http://www.nightmare.com/medusa/
> medusa-20010416.tgz//xmlrpc_handler.py
> As far as I can make out this seems to be for the server side
> only, although there are also both an rpc_server.py *and* an
> rpc_client.py (not using xmlrpc), so I imagine it would
> be easy enough to implement a client and a proxy relay
> for Medusa as well.
> The examples in the tutorial include an http client and an
> http proxy relay with both server and client:
> http://www.nightmare.com/medusa/programming.html
> I imagine it is quite straight forward for anyone who knows
> what they are doing to somehow tie the faster py-xmlrpc C
> version into the Medusa main event loop even though it has
> it's own set of sockets to select from. Unfortunately I
> don't know how to do this. It might be generally useful to
> contribute the necessary wrapper and/or installation
> instructions to Medusa as well as add them to py-xmlrpc itself
> to use it for both server and client channels with Medusa, to
> encourage faster takeup, and as starting point for stuff below
> without having to get into Zope internals.
> That would also provide a base reference point for speed tests
> of what Zope should be capable of, using py-xmlrpc for client
> as well as server side of plain Medusa with such proxied calls - to
> compare with tests doing nothing special on Zope for the Zope client
> side (with various numbers of 1 or more Zope threads and various
> delays at the remote server).
> Any chance of this? When? ;-)
> 3) As far as I can see Zope comes with the following from
> the top of the src tree:
> lib/python/xmlrpclib.py
> lib/python/ZPublisher/xmlrpc.py
> But nothing in Zserver despite that containing and being
> based on Medusa. So it is extending the Medusa implementation
> of xmlrpclib rather than just layering above it.
> Is anyone planning to provide a replacement based on
> py-xmlrpc? If so, when - and will it include a non-blocking
> client side as described above?
> I've tried to track down some documentation on how
> XML-RPC fits into Zope. Here's the list I came up
> with in case it helps or prompts somebody to point
> out docs or threads with other info.
> The start of some documentation on how Zope publishes
> with xml-rpc server is:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/teyc/howtoXMLRPC2
> Others include:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/Amos/XML-RPC
> http://www.zope.org/Members/teyc/pipermailXMLRPCWoes
> http://www.zope.org/Members/teyc/howxmlrpc
> There is also an XMLRPCProxy:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/dshaw/XMLRPCProxy
> And quite a few other references from the search
> button on www.zope.org for both "xmlrpc" and xml-rpc".
> Anyway, thanks again for 1000 calls per second!