[Zope-dev] What would *you* like to have in PropertyManager and friends?
Lalo Martins
Sun, 27 May 2001 20:38:09 -0300
raise ZopeProject('http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Proposals/PropertyRevamp')
We at Hiperlogica realize a lot of you people prefer to write
your code in Python in the filesystem. However, we also believe
the power of Zope's trough-the-web RAD framework is one of the
reasons for its success; more importantly, it's a good part of
the reason it works for *us*.
In this spirit, we fired up HiperDom a few months ago, and
we're now working on ZUnitTTW to allow developers to unit test
their ZClasses and even their very sites.
Now, we've been taking note of a lot of peeves we have with
Properties, in the past one year or so. After all this time,
and dealing with some Zope internals, we feel confident enough
to propose to fix them.
So we're "raising" a Project in the fishbowl to implement these
changes. But before we dive in the mud, we'd like to hear from
people that really use Properties (and/or ZClasses), or that
would use them if they were more powerful. Please go to the
Proposal page, linked above, and tell us what you think.
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