[Zope-dev] Re: [medusa] Twisted, medusa, ZServer, and VFS's
Donovan Baarda
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 00:49:46 +1000
I'm trying to get selective with the cross-posting based on what the thread
is focusing on...
On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 08:48:37AM -0500, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Donovan> ZServer grew out of Medusa.... I'm not sure how tightly tied to
> Donovan> Zope it is....
> Not tightly at all. I use it completely independent of Zope.
Hmm, what for? How? What are you serving out of?
> Donovan> My problem with Medusa is its http and ftp servers assume that
> Donovan> the VFS can deliver files wrapped in producers without
> Donovan> blocking.
> I believe Sam Rushing has said all along that Medusa is intended for
> I/O-bound situations. If you have producers that are computationally bound
> or that do I/O outside of the Medusa framework, you'll suffer.
The problem is the existing http and ftp servers use file producers to serve
content, and the framework assumes producers don't block. There is no way to
make a producer that does I/O _inside_ the Medusa async framework, at least
not without using my ready() patch. The proper way to fix this is to change
the ftp and http server so they don't use file producers, instead they use
file dispatchers to push async data onto the http/ftp dispatcher.
ABO: finger abo@minkirri.apana.org.au for more info, including pgp key