[Zope-dev] RE: Component Architecture / A modest proposal: Replace medusa with Twisted

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 08:34:38 -0500

At 01:52 PM 10/11/01 +0200, Jean Jordaan wrote:
>Hi all
>I don't know if you're all familiar with this already, but reading
>about Twisted didn't immediately bring to mind Medusa, but rather
>certain aspects (specifically, *aspects*) of TransWarp, and of the
>Component Architecture (interfaces).
>I'm including a bite from
>   http://twistedmatrix.com/page.epy/twistedphil.html

What they're doing is more of a design pattern ala JavaBeans to create 
interface definitions using method signatures which can be recognized using 
introspection.  However, a major point of the Component architecture is to 
get *away* from this style of doing things in Zope, because it makes it 
harder to use objects "off the shelf", as one is required to code objects 
from the ground up for Zope use.  Whereas, in the New Religion, you can 
just stick an __implements__ attribute on them, and set up some adapters.

(Also, what Twisted is doing is entirely orthogonal to what TransWarp does, 
but I covered that in my reply to your post on the TransWarp mailing list. :) )