[Zope-dev] ZPublisher/ZServer interaction (was Re: A modest proposal)
Paul Everitt
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 10:10:52 -0400
I don't know, there were quite a lot of ideas brought up. It started
with a discussion of Twisted being swappable for Medusa. Since Itamar
is a developer of Twisted, he should champion that effort (he knows a
lot more Zope than any of us know Twisted).
There was also a discussion about replacing Medusa by embedding in
Apache. While Michel said we had thought about it, that's about the
extent: we've thought about it. It isn't even scheduled for further
thinking at this point.
I think the best thing is for some people that care deeply about this to
go off and prototype a little bit and see what's involved.
Andy McKay wrote:
> So did we at least get a fishbowl out of it?
> Cheers.
> --
> Andy McKay.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Everitt" <paul@zope.com>
> To: "Phillip J. Eby" <pje@telecommunity.com>
> Cc: <k_vertigo@yahoo.com>; <zope-dev@zope.org>
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 7:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [Zope-dev] ZPublisher/ZServer interaction (was Re: A modest
> proposal)
>>Wow, this is one hell of a thread. :^)
>>FWIW, Grisha put a Bobo publisher in mod_python a couple of years ago.
>>Thus, if you like ZPublisher-style processing, you can do it in Apache
>>via mod_python.
>>I outta contact him and see if he'd consider putting page templates in
>>mod_python. Might be good for both page templates and mod_python.
>>Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>>At 08:00 AM 10/10/01 -0700, kapil thangavelu wrote:
>>>>sadly the distinction between zpublisher and zserver is nowhere near as
>>>>clean, i spent some time looking at it this morning trying to get my
>>>>of choice using zope. i thought it would be a mid morning hack, but
>>>>the rabit
>>>>hole follows the class heirarchy deeper and deeper:). all i have to
>>>>show for
>>>>my results is zope's output dumped to the server logs. its a start
>>>>hopefully we get some new religion in the publisher, please...
>>>Hmm... Check out:
>>>Specifically, the ZPlumbing module, for several examples of ZPublisher
>>>run loops using CGI and two different FastCGI modules. I don't know
>>>anything about Twisted, so I couldn't tell you how easy it'd be to use
>>>the ZLite framework for this.
>>>ZLite is the beginnings of my work on a "Zope Lite" distribution. It's
>>>sort of the "Standalone ZODB" distribution's evil twin - intended if you
>>>want to use almost anything *but* the ZODB and ZMI parts of Zope. That
>>>is, when you just want the app server without the IDE and application
>>>framework. Architecturally, it's intended for multi-process, single
>>>thread setups using Apache as a front-end, with FastCGI.
>>>This shouldn't be considered an announcement or a release, btw. The
>>>code in CVS is production-hardened by years of service (many millions of
>>>hits served), but is utterly without documentation, nor has everything
>>>I've written been checked into CVS yet.
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