[Zope-dev] problem to rename folder

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:10:42 +0100

Johan Beauce wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a little problem. I use this function to rename an object in my site
> (file or folder).
> It work perfectly with file but I have an error when I try to rename a
> folder ....
> I think the error is from "PARENT[0]", so do you have a solution ???
>     <dtml-let objRename="_.getattr(PARENTS[0], _['idName'])">
>        <dtml-call
> "objRename.manage_renameObjects([idName],[newId],getWay(REQUEST.PATH_INFO))"
>     </dtml-let>
> Thanks a lot, 
> Johan.


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Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited