[Zope-dev] Re: [Bug+Patch] Microseconds in DateTime

Leonardo Rochael Almeida leo@hiper.com.br
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 21:11:50 -0200

R. David Murray wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Nicola Larosa wrote:
>>OK, so nobody cares. Anyway, the BugCollector is down, what is a poor guy to
>>do to get the fix in?
>>Of course, if it is a very stupid thing to do, I would really like to know. :^)
> Well, I like the idea personally, but let me play devil's advocate here
> for a minute.  Suppose there are platforms where those extra couple
> of digits are not valid.  Suppose further that the common paradigm of
> using str(int(DateTime())) as a "unique id" is employed.  Now suppose you
> move that code from a Unix platform to some platform that doesn't
> supply the extra digits.  Suddenly your code that used to provide
> uniqueness down to a fairly tight hit interval is much more
> fragile.
> Is this a real concern?  I don't really think so.  But it's the
> only objection I can think of <grin>.

Well, I'm usually against cathering to the lowest common denominator, so 
I'll agree with you here that this is not a real concern :-)

	cheers, Leo