[Zope-dev] UserFolder and xmlrpc

Bill Anderson bill@immosys.com
10 Sep 2001 02:34:33 -0600

On Mon, 2001-09-10 at 02:24, Richard Jones wrote:
> On Monday 10 September 2001 17:42, Bill Anderson wrote:
> > On Sun, 2001-09-09 at 17:14, Richard Jones wrote:
> > > The point of my post was that you can't currently XMP-RPC to add a user -
> > > the manage_users method is not a usable method from an XML-RPC
> > > perspective.
> >
> > Which is why I wrote alternative ones.
> I'm trying to have this interface work with an unmodified Zope. Tall order, 
> given some of the things I'm trying to get it to do :) As it stands, we're 
> looking at replacing z2.py...

Well, you don't _have_ to modify zope. You could place in  Script
(Python) objects that take your call, and then call the appropriate
manage_* methods. At least, in theory.
> > Actualy, IIRC, there is a way to
> > emulate a REQUEST object.
> Oooh! This doesn't negate the goodness of cleaning up the API, but if you 
> could recall how to emulate the REQUEST, I'd be VERY grateful!

I'll see if I can dig it up...

> > > We are developing our own Mac and Windows interfaces that have a slimmer
> > > scope than ZMC (and also some extensions that ZMC won't ever have) and is
> > > branded with our logos. We intend to release the source soon too - but it
> > > sounds like it'd be of little use to your project, as it's written in C.
> >
> > You have this backward. Mine is *already* done. I was offering the code
> > as an example of how to do it with XML-RPC. Actually, as I sit here an
> > dlook at your post, I do not believe you know what the ZMC is.
> *gak* I'm sorry! I got ZMC confused with another project! I have now done a 
> web search and found ZMC and acquainted myself with it.

No worries. I'm just glad I figured it out. :)

> > You can't get much slimmer
> > of a scope than mine, and still call it a means for managing users. All
> > it does it let you delete a user, or change their roles via a GTK GUI.
> > it doesn't allow, at this time, addition of users, but it is not a
> > difficult add-on; I've just been busy on a much larger product.
> Yep, that's what I've discovered - and it does appear that our scope is 
> actually much fatter than yours. We have:
>  . status, starting and stopping of the Zope server
>  . admin user password setting, manager user adding
>  . services (ports) configuration
>  . environment (python binary, INSTANCE_HOME, SOFTWARE_HOME, user) config
>  . log watching/clearing (only half done)

Yeah, that sounds like one of my other projects. :) No, nothing released
there yet. been to busy on the big one.

> and as I mentioned above, we're looking at modifying z2.py to allow 
> monitoring of startup progress.

Not a bad idea.
> > Oh, and if you release the source under a compatible license, and the
> > extensions are of use, I wouldn't rule out ZMC acquiring them. ;^)
> I'm not sure what you mean by "extensions"...

Whatever you meant by 'extensions ZMC won't ever have". :)
