Catalogs, Imports, and Path Awareness (was Re: [Zope-dev] ZClass Constructor Cleanup for 2.6)

R. David Murray
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 19:59:16 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Jeffrey P Shell wrote:
> If other people have come across this, I think finding a resolution to this
> would be a more-than-worthy 2.6 project.  If I'm just smoking crack and it's
> only a ZPatterns/TransactionAgents behavior that I'm witnessing, then I'll
> just leave my huffing and puffing and whining and yelling and fainting to
> myself and immediate coworkers next time I have to go through this
> situation.  :/

I thought that with ZPatterns one was recommended to avoid the
Catalog mixins and instead use something like SteveA's
catalog trigger from ZPAddOns (I think that's the right product