[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Speaking of 2.6...

Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
09 Apr 2002 14:40:52 -0400

On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 13:47, Brian Lloyd wrote:
> ...I sent out a note a while ago now trying to scare up 
> some ideas on how to vet the current list of 2.6 proposals 
> and get to a final "plan". I didn't get much (any?) response :(
> For a couple of things that were ready to go and fairly non
> controversial (like Toby's unicode work), I put on the BDFL 
> hat and said "merge it!".
> But there are still a lot of things on the proposed features 
> that are undone, and some that are controversial enough that 
> we need to get to closure on them.
> I'll volunteer to convert the current proposed feature list 
> into a draft "plan", where the conversion boils down to 
> adding some columns to the table:
> Proposal - name and link to the proposal
> Resources - who is working on it
> Committed - Y/N whether the volunteers have committed to have
>             the implementation and docs done by the first week
>             in June. I'll fill in what I know has been committed
>             to, people can update this (or let me know and I'll 
>             do it), and anything that doesn't get a 'Y' in a 
>             reasonably short time will be put in the cooler.
> Vetted - Y / N whether the community and / or the relevant BDFLs
>          have come to some agreement on whether it *should* be 
>          done. The list of items without a 'Y' will be our next 
>          order of business. Getting to closure on those either 
>          via the list, IRC, or whatever is the main block on the 
>          critical path.
> Status - Complete or incomplete 
> I've taken a first stab at this. I've set the "committed" to 'Y' 
> for those things that I know I've gotten commitments for. For 
> those set to 'N', please let me know if you can commit to the 
> date (or change it yourself in the wiki).
> The updated plan is at:
> http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/Zope2.6/ProposedFeatures
> Once we get the commitments up to date, we can start wrangling 
> with the vetting...

ICP support is already checked in;  may need to be documented.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com