[Zope-dev] Re: wrapping unexistent objects

Maurizio Boriani debauxit@yahoo.it
02 Dec 2002 18:04:02 +0100

>>>>> "Casey" == Casey <zope-dev@zope.org> writes:

 Casey> If you want an object to be able to handle calls to undefined methods,
 Casey> you'll=20 probably need to use a __getattr__ hook. They can be a 
 Casey> little tricky to get20 right (you want to filter out names that start 
 Casey> with "_" or "aq" or else=20 you'll be in trouble), and they don't have
 Casey> access to acquisition, but they=20
 Casey> will allow you to intercept calls to arbitrary names on an object.

 Casey> __bobo_traverse__ and __before_publishing_traverse__ are hooks for 
 Casey> URL traversal inside ZPublisher. They won't work for calls made 
 Casey> inside DTML.

Thanks very much! Have you also some docs to point me to? Or a dummy example?

Thanks anymore,