[Zope-dev] Zope 2.6.0 ZMI Problem for CJK(Collector 623) patch.
Heiichiro NAKAMURA
Tue, 03 Dec 2002 20:01:56 -0800
On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 14:52:31 +0000
Toby Dickenson <tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com> wrote:
> > > There are some details missing from your explanation, but hopefully n=
> > > from your patch. where do I find it?
> >
> > What thing is concretely "some details"?
> The fix to this situation is more complicated than removing a ":utf8:" fr=
> somewhere that it shouldnt be. Im sure you know this.
> > I'm very interested in Zope development, especially i18n.
> > So I would like to contribute something about it:-)
> The patch you mentioned?
=2E.. seems like the things are in double bind situation, where
the current Unicode Support has a fundamental problem which
can't be resolved in straight manner, yet you are requesting
it and rejecting any other proposal (at least looks so to some
extent, even though you didn't intend to do so).
# Probably one of the major cause of the miscommunication about
# this topic is the difficulty of the understanding of different
# culture, especially the sense of criticality and severity
# of the problem: one party feels it's crucial and needs urgent
# tentative fix while another feels it's minor and negligible.
Although the problem itself is very clear, no actions/progress
against the problem have happened yet.
Anyway, I think it's getting clear that there are no silver
bullets (patch) to shoot this problem. If so, the next step
which should be taken in such a situation is clear: rollback.
We should trace back until finding out what exactly is the fundamental
cause of the problem, then make the corrections or define the right
direction (as Toby already tried in <200211290854.18359.tdickenson@geminida=
and I think it's comprehensive).
I'm not clear the exact positioning of these documents:
but it seems like these documents describes the basic design policy
of the current implementation of Unicode Support well.
# For me, the problem looks much simpler in these documents rather
# than the discussion about the detailed implementation.
So far, does it sound OK? I would like to hear any opinion about this issu=
(I know anybody in this ML is very busy ;)
Heiichiro NAKAMURA <nheiich@quantumfusion.com>