[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-CMF] i18n for CMF And Plone, backporting i18n to Zope 2.x

Sidnei da Silva sidnei@x3ng.com.br
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 12:16:10 -0300

Hi Robert,

My friend Lalo (lalo@laranja.org) started a rewrite of TAL to make it more 
pluggable and ease backporting of i18n to Zope2. I dont know how much if it 
is done right now, but the last time I talked to him, he said that only METAL 
was missing.

His work is available at http://sf.net/projects/collective -> Browse CVS -> 
Alt-TAL module.

I think that the best idea is support him, as he has almost everything in 


On Seg 01 Jul 2002 11:50, Robert Rottermann wrote:
| Hi Zopistas,
| I would very much appreciate your ideas and support in the matter of
| backporting Z3 i18n support to 2.6+
| I did get a number of answers to my inquiry regarding i18n support for
| Plone.
| It seems that the only sensible way to do this, is to backport the i18n
| support from Zope3's TAL to Zope2.'s TAL.
| I have been looking into Zope3's TAL. What I found created mixed
| enthusiasm.
| - there seems not to much code in TAL itself that is i18n related.
| - However the TAL3's structure has been altered somehow to reflect changes
| in Zope3's structure.
| Since I have not dealt much with Zope3 yet I have no idea what is needed to
| add a module in TAL 2.6+ that
| adds functionality to deal with such tags:
| (This are a snippets from Plone templates.)
| -------------
|  <span i18n:translate="">Posted by:</span>
|  <span tal:content="here/Creator">Poster Name</span>
|  <span i18n:translate="">at</span>
|  <span tal:replace="python: here.toPortalTime(here.modified())">8/23/2001
| 12:40:44 PM</span>
| -------------
|   <p tal:condition="not: len_text"
|            i18n:id="no_body_text">
|       This document has yet to be written, click the edit tab to change the
| document.
|   </p>
| -------------
| One could maybe use a brute force approach and just add a filter after the
| TAL processing that deals with all i18n artifacts it finds.
| thanks for your input
| mit freundlichen Grüssen
| Robert Rottermann
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Sidnei da Silva (dreamcatcher) <sidnei@x3ng.com.br>
X3ng Web Technology <http://www.x3ng.com.br>
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