[Zope-dev] Refresh makes all imported modules = None
William Trenker
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 11:57:55 -0700
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At 09:36 AM 6/3/02 -0400, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>Are you working with products that use the old style [of product
>initialization]? Are they still around? ;-)
I'm developing a Zope Database Adapter (DA) for the SQLite
(http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite) embedded database. Although a DA isn't a
Product in the usual sense, the front-end is registered like a product and
has a Management interface.
I've noticed that existing DA's that I'm studying for reference, including
DCOracle2, don't use the "new" method of Product initialization /
registration. Are DA's considered "monkey patch" products? Is it possible
to use the Refresh feature during development of a DA?
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