[Zope-dev] Crash & Burn with Zope 2.6.0a1 and ZEO 2.0a1
Stefan H. Holek
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:55:41 +0200
I have failed as well to upgrade a Zope 2.5.1/ZEO 1.0 installation to
2.6.0a1. I tried to start *the very same instance* that runs successfully
under 2.5.1 with 2.6.0a1. This is what I found out:
* The Catalog problem you see comes from
Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.Splitter.ZopeSplitter not exporting
'Splitter' anymore. I should really have been kept for bw compatibility.
Workaround is to copy ZopeSplitter's __init__.py from 2.5.1.
* ZEO 1.0 ClientStorage does not work and I have no clue why it would not
find trigger.py anymore. Do I *need* ZEO 2.0a1 for 2.6.0a1? There is
nothing in the release notes.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Zope-2.6.0a1/z2.py", line 832, in ?
File "/Zope-2.6.0a1/lib/python/ThreadedAsync/LoopCallback.py", line 100,
in loop
File "/Zope-2.6.0a1/lib/python/ThreadedAsync/LoopCallback.py", line 70,
in _start_loop
apply(cb, (map,) + args, kw or {})
File "/home/zeo6/lib/python/ZEO/ClientStorage.py", line 215, in
File "/home/zeo6/lib/python/ZEO/ClientStorage.py", line 556, in getWakeup
ImportError: No module named trigger
* Formulator
Formulator failed to install due to ZODB conflict errors until I put
get_transaction.commit() into Formulator's initialize(); twice, after the
help registrations.
* New Startup:
Will the new startup stuff also be available for ther ZEO server's
start.py? Until 2.5.1 I was able to run ZEO server & client in-place (from
the same directory). This is harder with 2.6.0. I needed some file
permission trickery (which defeats many of the benefits of the new startup)
to make it work.
* Besides:
Z2.pid is created very late. I cannot ./stop a half-started Instance (not
even a ZEO client waiting for the server!). Could we create the pid file
--On Montag, 17. Juni 2002 16:23 -0500 Andrew Sydelko <andrew@sydelko.org>
> Well, I have a 3gig ZODB that we have been using fine with
> Zope 2.5.1 / ZEO 1.0.
> Trying Zope 2.6.0a1 and ZEO 2.0a1. The storage server seemed to come
> up fine, but when trying to start the ZEO client it pretty much sucked.
> I really should include the log file it produced but it's quite long.
> I put it up at http://eng.purdue.edu/people/sydelko/zope_2.6a1_log_1
> It ended up dying at the end, but that I think I can fix.
> I'd really like someone to clue me into why everything else complained.
BLOWFISH, n. - Preference for beef.