[Zope-dev] MonkeyPatching in the Core (was: Zope 2.6 planning)

Anthony Baxter Anthony Baxter <anthony@ekit-inc.com>
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 10:41:45 +1100

>>> "Brian Lloyd" wrote
> What if, instead of the static list of callable info that the CP 
> currently uses, Zope objects could register themselves as profilable? 
> We would then make sure that the object types that CP handles now 
> register themselves, but other products that we don't know (or 
> have to know) about could register themselves too if they wanted. 

This would resolve the problems, yes. It's a nice approach to take, 
and it also allows the object to register a different method to be

> Think of this as "consentual" monkey-patching (hmm... may have to 
> change this metaphor soon!). 

Call it "gorilla-patching" - it's like monkey-patching.[1]

> The products have to take some explicit 
> action to be profilable, so it is not invisible in the code of the 
> product. The hooks will continue to installed as-needed, so there 
> is no performance issue.

This would suggest that the CallProfiler shouldn't be an add-on product,
then, but installed in lib/python ? What's the best approach there? 
Rich didn't get any response on zope-coders about this...


Seagoon: Here! Have a gorilla. 
Eccles:  Oh! Thanks. 
Grams:   [Two gorillas fighting, or if you can't get that, lions.] 
Eccles:  Oww! Oww! Ooh! Oww! Hey! These gorillas are strong. Here!
         Have one of my monkeys -- they're milder.
-- http://www.residents.com/Goons/napoleon.piano.html
Anthony Baxter     <anthony@interlink.com.au>   
It's never to late to have a happy childhood.
Here! Have a gorilla. Eccles:
Oh! Thanks. Grams:
[Two gorillas fighting, or if you can't get that, lions.] Eccles:
Oww! Oww! Ooh! Oww! Hey! These gorillas are strong. Here! Have one of my monkeys -- they're milder.