[Zope-dev] Does 'undo' scan the entire ZODB?
Ivo van der Wijk
Thu, 2 May 2002 12:32:33 +0200
Hi All,
I just noticed that the undo tab on our zopeserver takes ages to load.
If I try to trace the zope proces (as far as possible), it looks asif
the entire Data.fs is scanned.
Does zope scan the entire ZODB for old versions? It slows down our server
enourmously with a 3G Data.fs. If so, aren't there more efficient ways
to do this (backreferences to old versions for example)
Drs. I.R. van der Wijk -=-
Brouwersgracht 132 Amaze Internet Services V.O.F.
1013 HA Amsterdam, NL -=-
T +31-20-4688336 F +31-20-4688337 Linux/Web/Zope/SQL/MMBase
W http://www.amaze.nl E info@amaze.nl Network Solutions
W http://vanderwijk.info E ivo@amaze.nl Consultancy
PGP http://vanderwijk.info/pgp -=-