[Zope-dev] PathIndex unindex fix
Leonardo Rochael Almeida
21 Nov 2002 12:30:17 -0200
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 11:24, seb bacon wrote:
> Anyone object to me changing PathIndex so it swallows exceptions and
> logs them when unindexing content?
This sounds REALLY LOUD ALARMS in my head. There is a class of errors
(subclasses of ConflictError) that should never be ingored because
they're automatically handled by Zope itself (in ZServer, I think). I
can think of situations where a changed content causes a Conflict error,
and the standard Zope retry would be enough to make the PathIndex be
correctly unindexed. Actually, ZCatalogs are a conflict error magnet, I
believe to ignore conflict errors is to beg for problems.
If you are to ignore errors, please ignore specific errors that are
known to happen. Please don't use a generic except.
Ideas don't stay in some minds very long because they don't like
solitary confinement.