[Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Moving forward with Zope 2.7
Guido van Rossum
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 02:47:41 -0500
> In the meantime, I think this list summarizes the adjusted goals well:
> * configure; make; make install installation
> * control script for starting/stopping/debugging zope
I'd like to compare notes on this. Where's the control script that
you are using? I'm hoping that we can use (some future evolution of)
zdaemon/{zdaemon,zdctl}.py in the Zope 2.7 trunk. This separates the
concerns of
- the actual server process (Zope/ZEO/ZRS; for ZEO, this is
- a daemon subprocess manager, which restarts the subprocess when it
dies, etc. (zdaemon.py)
- a tool to control the subprocess manager, telling it to
start/restart/stop the server subprocess, etc. (zdctl.py)
> * config file for all options including logging,
> servers, and databases.
> * real "effective user" support (logfiles, database files, etc.
> dont get written as root if you start as root).
> * better support for instance home/software home split
> * better support for Windows services
I'd like to hear more about this; my zdaemon.py currently doesn't do
Windows at all. Where can I peek at your code?
> * RPM-building support.
> * where possible, the banishment of environment variables
> as configuration.
> All of these things save for the last are more or less complete on
> the "chrism-install-branch" of the Zope trunk. The major missing
> piece is the fleshing out of the interaction between the
> configuration system (ZConfig) and Zope itself. It works currently
> but it needs to be improved and canonized to everyone's liking.
Can you point to where Zope's use of ZConfig is?
> Since ZConfig will also used by other ZC software (ZEO, ZRS),
> there's a bit of back and forth that needs to be done to get
> everybody to agree on a way to do it. Once that is worked out, and
> the proposal is cleaned up, I think we can just merge.
Apologies in advance: my refrain seems to be "where's your code for
X?" -- there's so much good stuff in your branch that I don't know
where to begin, especially not with the Zope part (in ZODB, I know my
way around better).
--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)