[Zope-dev] Bugfix release?
Chris McDonough
27 Nov 2002 13:17:49 -0500
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 12:31, Wolfgang Strobl wrote:
> On 27 Nov 2002, 11:18 seb bacon wrote:
> > Can we have a bugfix release?
> Me too. I'd like to get the fix for Issue 597
> (http://collector.zope.org/Zope/597) in such a bugfix release.
> ZCTextIndex, quite different from the old TextIndex, currently is
> almost unusuable outside the US, because it isn't locale aware.
> A fix was posted to the collector during the 2.6 beta period, about
> two weeks BEFORE (!) the release of 2.6.0, by Maik Jablonski, but
> has been ignored, since.. It's still not checked in, if I'm not
> mistaken. :-(
> What is beta testing good, if the error reports get ignored? Why
> write patches, if those patches are thrown away?
I understand your frustration. It may be a good idea to bug a developer
with CVS commit access that you know cares about the issue. Sometimes
going through the CVS logs for the module in which the bug is in, you
can tell who has most recently been involved in that code and send them
an email about the bug.
The collector is tended to on an as-possible basis. We haven't had a
"bug day" lately so it's not surprising that there is stuff in there
that hasn't been vetted and merged. By emailing a developer personally,
you run the risk of bugging them, but the worst they can say is no.
To avoid this entirely, know that anyone can apply (although possibly
not obtain) CVS checkin access to Zope. See
http://dev.zope.org/CVS/WriteAccessRationale . Having a bug that you
care about deeply might be a good enough reason to apply.
- C