[Zope-dev] KeywordIndex errors

Myroslav Opyr myroslav@zope.net.ua
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 02:22:42 +0200

Andreas Jung wrote:

> --On Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 18:08 +0000 Chris Withers=20
> <chrisw@nipltd.com> wrote:
>> Hi, started seeing quite a few of these showing up in one of our=20
>> server's
>> logs:
>> ------
>> 2002-11-27T16:16:26 ERROR(200) KeywordIndex unindex_object could not
>> remove documentId -869933785 from index companies.  This should not
>> happen.
>> exceptions.KeyError: -869933785
> This looks like another i-will-never-go-away-bug. In fact I=20
> encountered this
> problem several times but it does not seem to be reproducable and I=20
> have no
> glue about the reason. :-(

We've seen that too and in a big amounts. We have experimaental Data.fs=20
for Plone migration purposes (branch-copy of production one). For ease=20
of testing I was deleting almost all content to speed up migration=20
processes under inspection. Documents have KeywordIndex applied also.=20
And I've seen something like several hundreds such errors when deleting=20
3000 documents. Thus it appear to happen more or less each 10th=20
unindex_object. I'd say rather reproducible case.

Myroslav Opyr
zope.net.ua <http://zope.net.ua/> =B0 Ukrainian Zope Hosting
e-mail: myroslav@zope.net.ua <mailto:myroslav@zope.net.ua>