[Zope-dev] Plone/Metadata/FUD
Steve Alexander
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 11:08:51 +0100
> My only response is why wasn't " Many of the components and frameworks
> currently supplied by the CMF" included in the core Zope in the first
> place? Everybody has the right to work on their own thing sure. We
> would already have a highly extensible Zope3 by now if the time wasn't
> spent trying to create something else that should have been in the core
> of Zope in the first place.
If only people could write the ideal software first time!
From my point of view as a Zope 3 contributor, I'm extremely glad that
the patterns, use-cases and learning experiences were developed in the
CMF, outside of the core of Zope.
If what is going into Zope 3 had been worked into the core of Zope 2
instead of being tried out in the CMF, the speed of development would
have been an order of magnitude slower, and there would have been a much
greater risk of increasing the number of deprecated APIs in the Zope 2 core.
So, bravo to the CMF developers and contributors. Not only do we have a
useful and innovative framework today, we have the blueprints for a
better Zope tomorrow.
Steve Alexander