[Zope-dev] LDAPUserFolder(LUF), LDAPRoleTwiddler(LRT)
Dirk Datzert
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 10:55:05 +0200
Hi all,
I made some changes in my local versions of LUF and LRT.
I've checked out the latested code from cvs.dataflake.org and rewritten
LRT to use SimpleCache and SimpleLog.
I also tried the integrate the validate-changes from LRE from Shane,
hoping that this would solve my problems, but it did not :-(
By the way I found a possible bug:
LRT does cache all users in the _anonymous_cache. I found
this while I extended getUsers() to return both _authenticated_cached
and _anonymous_cached users. In the properties.dtml I'm going to display
if an user is in
_authenticated_cache or not. I saw by this way that all users in LRT are
_anonymous_cached !
I put the patches on the internet under:
Can somebody verify this patch and give feedback ?