[Zope-dev] Re: Catalog Bugs?

Florent Guillaume fg@nuxeo.com
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 17:55:35 +0000 (UTC)

Datapoint: the catalog displays bad info in the ZMI if meta_type doesn't

See http://collector.zope.org/Zope/479


Casey Duncan  <casey@zope.com> wrote:
> (continuing discussion on zope-dev)
> I am to blame for those changes which were motivated by the addition of a
> bunch of new indexes. The most significant of which is ZCTextIndex which has
> its own brand new kind of "Vocabulary" object (called a Lexicon, which is
> what the old thing actually was). We tried to use the old one or develop a
> compatible one, but it was beyond saving, even its API blew. Its one the
> worst pieces of cruft in Zope IMHO.
> That is why a vocabulary is no longer created. Also, the Catalog used to
> have a hand in managing the vocabulary (basically locating it for
> textindexes), this behavior harkens back to before plug-in indexes and was
> actually horribly broken, so I ripped it out.
> The other problem was that creating default indexes in the Catalog, although
> perhaps convenient for newbies, gets in the way much of the time. I found
> myself creating catalogs programmatically and then clearing out all the
> indexes and adding different ones all the time. Also, a few indexes namely
> summary and bobobase_modification_time were actually broken and/or useless.
> The latter is not something the application should use as an index source as
> many have discovered. Many of these indexes were also not useful in the CMF.
> Now this is not to say that adding some default indexes (as an option on
> catalog creation) would not be useful. Here are some suggestions:
> id                     FieldIndex
> title                  ZCTextIndex
> meta_type              FieldIndex
> path	               PathIndex
> PrincipiaSearchSource  ZCTextIndex
> Granted these are much the same as before minus a few. It would also create
> a ZCTextIndex Lexicon named "Lexicon" in the catalog for you and bind the
> text indexes to it.
> How does that sound? Anybody else want to suggest index possibilities?
> -Casey
> On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 07:02:36 -0400
> Luke Tymowski <luke@seeto.com> wrote:
> > Hello Casey,
> > 
> > > Just noticed that you said that you thought the Catalog was broken in
> > > 2.6.0b2. What is the problem you found? Is it in the collector?
> > 
> > Previously, before 2.6.0, when you created a new search engine or 
> > catalog, inside the catalog Zope would create for you a Vocabulary, 
> > Indexes, and Metadata with default values. You could add to the 
> > defaults. But the default was usable and you simply created search and 
> > results forms.
> > 
> > Now when you create a catalog you have to create the Vocabulary, 
> > Indexes, and Metadata by hand. Then create the search and results forms 
> > or use the "wizard" to create them for you.
> > 
> > It's not a big deal for someone who is used to Zope, but for newbies 
> > it's v difficult to get them up and running with a search engine - and 
> > it was one of the beauties of Zope - you had a search engine built-in 
> > that was just about ready to go, making it a much less frustrating 
> > experience for newbies.
> > 
> > Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
> > 
> > Luke
Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 87  http://nuxeo.com  mailto:fg@nuxeo.com