[Zope-dev] What does error code 136 mean?

Peter Keller keller@ebi.ac.uk
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 10:47:47 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)


Many thanks for the hints. I will investigate, but I probably won't have
time until next week.

> Of course, this all depends on how well gdb (or your preferred debugger,
> should you chose to adapt the instructions) works correctly with threads
> on True64.

In my experience, the Tru64 Unix debugger 'ladebug' works OK with
native threads. None of the others do, though.

I'll report on whatever I find.

Peter Keller.                     | "Research without indebtedness is
European Bioinformatics Institute,|  suspect, and somebody must always,
Hinxton Hall,                     |  somehow, be thanked."
Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK           |                     --- Umberto Eco
Email: keller@ebi.ac.uk |
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