[Zope-dev] RFC: RelationAware class for relations between objects

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
28 Apr 2003 13:56:56 -0400

Good summary of the current discussion, Shane.  At the end, you say that
we shouldn't assume you know what you're talking about.  My version of
that is that I assume I don't know what I'm talking about yet.

> Jeremy posted some code that started to look like the right way to 
> create relations in ZODB.
> http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-dev/2003-April/006720.html
> Here are the important features that made it interesting:
> - You describe relations in the same place you write classes.  The great 
> thing about an object-oriented database is that you can get so much done 
> just by writing classes.  But in the current ZODB, as soon as you need 
> flexible relationships, you have to move into a totally different 
> sphere, such as creating a ZCatalog or some kind of relationship 
> service.  It shouldn't be that way.  Python is expressive enough.

This was the primary goal for me.  The implementation of a relationship
may be complicated, but I think the client code should be kept as simple
as possible.

The joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable
classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code -
not in reams of trivial code that bores the reader to death. 
-- Guido van Rossum

> - Descriptors elegantly provide custom views on relations.  In the 
> example, "zope3.developers" looks like a set of Developer objects.

Descriptors can do anything!  I blogged a little about this on Friday:

> - All the implementation details, such as use of BTrees, was moved away 
> from the application code.  To me, this means that the default relation 
> implementation could be substituted depending on the capabilities of the 
> storage method.  Ape, for example, could implement relational queries by 
> translating to SQL.

I'm not quite sure what all the implementation details are.  Can you say
more about how you would implement relations in Ape?

The simple relationship manager I wrote uses a dictionary.  I can see
wanting some other data structure when the objects aren't hashable in a
useful.  And I can see using some BTree data structure when the
individual relationships involve many objects.  A relational database
model seems quite different, because the database stores all the
relationships for instances of those classes, rather than a single set
of objects.

> Unfortunately, I didn't like Jeremy's revisions quite as much.  The 
> revised version creates two Relation objects instead of one.  Maybe I 
> just don't understand it yet, but it doesn't fit my brain. ;-)

Perhaps some rationale is in order.

A descriptor lives in a class dictionary, so it needs to be declared in
the class statement rather than on the instance.  It's possible to add
the descriptor after the class is created, but I really don't want to do
that.  I like that the attribute name gets declared as a relationship in
the class statement.

The chief difference between the vapor version and the implemented
version is that the vapor version had a single Relation object that was
bound to both instances and the implemented version was two Relation
descriptors that get joined together.  The latest CVS version looks like

class SoftwareProject(object):

    developers = Relation()
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

class Developer(object):

    projects = Relation()
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name


Does this version of the API look any better?

> I prefer 
> the notion of having two views on a single relation.  I also feel that 
> having a many2many function might be oversimplifying, since I came up 
> with the need for a "many2many2many" function over the weekend.  That 
> would be wrong!  

I'm not actually sure if we need two different descriptors.  I guess we
can have one descriptor that dispatches based on the class it was bound
to.  The separate descriptors may be a result of keeping the
implementation simple at the expense of the clients.  Regardless of how
it's spelled, though, there is a bit of necesary complexity that comes
from doing this in class statements.  The Relation objects need to be
created before the classes are created.  There needs to be a call that
tells the Relation about all the classes that participate in the
Relation.  (Maybe it could be done when the classes are created via a
custom metaclass, but that seems to messy.)

Can you post a simple example of many2many2many?  It would surely be
simpler to spell with the join() function above.

> We need to make sure the interface fits an existing, 
> well-researched model for relationships.  I only know about relational 
> tables, topic maps, and RDF.

I don't know much about any of these.  From what little I know of RDF,
it seems an example to avoid for this work.  I've never heard of "topic

I know that the ODMG object database standard has binary relationships,
that is relationships between pairs of objects.  I don't really
understand how an object database extends to relationships among many
objects, since a pointer just points to one thing.  I'd be quite
interested to see how a 3-way relationship worked in ZODB.

> Max M: your example is useful and probably more manageable than 
> ZCatalogs.  But I think it would be more useful if it provided an easy 
> way to create relations in the code itself.  You only have a comment 
> that says the relation already exists.  Jeremy's example creates the 
> relation if it doesn't already exist, although it's only a basic 
> relation.  You example would also be enhanced by the use of descriptors.

Not sure if I follow this example completely -- assuming you mean the
example code with deposit() and withdraw() methods.  I assume the
particular example of moving an object would use the object hub in
Zope3.  But it sounds like this relationship is a transient one; the use
case being addressed is just preserving a link when an object changes
