[Zope-dev] On with the show....

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Mon Dec 15 07:56:04 EST 2003

On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 08:04, Sidnei da Silva wrote:
>     pt_getContext = ZopePageTemplate.pt_getContext.im_func
> Seemed to work, though I'm almost sure that is not the Right Thing (tm).

This exact fix was already checked in to the CMF HEAD by Yuppie a couple
of days ago (and a series of other ones, as well as one for
Image.__str__) based on an audit by Dieter.  Maybe you're using the 1.4

> Then a completely different error happened, when looking at a item
> with comments:
>     *  Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 48, in
>     __call__
>       __traceback_info__: container.sort_modified_ascending(
>       here.portal_discussion.getDiscussionFor(here).getReplies())
>     * Module Python expression "container.sort_modified_ascending(
>     here.portal_discussion.getDiscussionFor(here).getReplies())", line
>     1, in <expression>
>     * Module Products.VerboseSecurity.VerboseSecurityPolicy, line 157,
>     in validate
> Unauthorized: The container has no security assertions. Access to
> 'getReplies' of
> (Products.CMFDefault.DiscussionItem.DiscussionItemContainer object at
> 0x419681ac) denied.
> AFAICT, there's nothing wrong with DiscussionItemContainer. It has
> been InitializeClass()'ed and has a docstring. Setting
> __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1 works, but that is
> obviously wrong. 

I think this may also be fixed in the stuff that Yuppie checked in
because plope.com is running fine on the head and it uses discussions

- C

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