[Zope-dev] Re: AdaptableStorage
Oliver Bleutgen
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 19:40:41 +0100
Shane Hathaway wrote:
> On the filesystem, the problem seems much more difficult, since there
> are no transactions. You'd like the kernel to send Zope a message
> anytime someone modifies a file in a certain hierarchy, but that would
> require kernel hacking.
FWIW, since I had the same problem some time ago (which could be solved
in another way),
I dug out an url, which might be of interest - probably you already know
about it:
FAM, used by the two major open source desktop envs:
It may at least help to make the whole problem more os independend.
They have a lot of related pointers on their homepage.
Btw. windows (>=nt IIRC) already has the capability to notify on
directory alteration events, without polling.