[Zope-dev] Re: AdaptableStorage
Shane Hathaway
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 11:02:54 -0500
Chris Withers wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> I'm thinking about "real-time" updates. When the underlying data
>> changes, you'd like Zope to see the change immediately. If indefinite
>> delays are OK, then AdaptableStorage already does enough: it raises a
>> ConflictError if you try to write changes based on old data.
> I think it depends on how you're using it, so I guess thsi wants to be
> configurable. Is that possible?
I think so.
> How about having a seperate process which just watched the files and
> notifed Zope when they changed?
A definite possibility. It might even just poke an URL to send the
>> I'm hoping to present a complete tutorial on AdaptableStorage at PyCon
>> DC 2003.
> I hope you'll make this availabel for those of us who can't make it...
Yes, I plan to, assuming they accept my proposal.