[Zope-dev] [PATCH] Forking daemon in debug mode, and new start scripts

Adrian van den Dries adriand@flow.com.au
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:45:10 +1100

[Sorry about the broken thread]

On January 20, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> You seem to forget that in debugging mode there are other things that
> happen (or not) besides logging.

Ah, the infamous Zope side-effect, aka "other cool stuff". :-) Thanks
for the heads-up.

> And you can log to stderr (that's what I use 99% of the time).

But this means I can't really write a start script that works (or
makes sense) with debug mode both on and off.  Redirecting stderr to
EVENT_LOG_FILE doesn't really make sense if we're detaching, and is
ugly, etc..  I could write some shell polava to figure it out, but:

> Maybe the "debug" flag is misnamed?  All it really means is "don't
> detach".

Yes.  I would much prefer an explicit flag for each, because I run a
number of dev Zopes on a number of boxes to which I only have ssh
access, and I don't want to have to remember to play games with my
stdio, or restart Zope if I restart screen, etc.

Speaking of the (side-)effects of debug mode, what exactly are they?
Is it just the automatic re-loading of DTMLFiles and PageTemplates
from disk?


 Adrian van den Dries                           adriand@flow.com.au
 Development team                               www.dev.flow.com.au
 FLOW Communications Pty. Ltd.                  www.flow.com.au