[Zope-dev] usage of dtml-sqltest tag in Zsql method

Anitha George anithageorge27@hotmail.com
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 07:08:36 +0000


    Someone please help me out with this:

I am passing a string in this format (215,216) from the python script to
the Zsql method.
The SQl query should have the following form:
    select * from employees where id in (215,216)
but is as follows:
    select * from employees where id in '(215,216)' which does not give the 
required result.The id is of data type string/nb. It doesnt accept integer 

A sample usage is given in the Zope documentation
select * from employees
<dtml-sqlgroup where>
  <dtml-sqltest salary op="gt" type="float" optional>
  <dtml-sqltest first type="nb" multiple optional>
  <dtml-sqltest last type="nb" multiple optional>

If first=Bob and last=Smith, McDonald it renders:

select * from employees
  last in ('Smith', 'McDonald')

But it is not working when I tried it. I get the following result

select * from employees
  last = 'Smith,McDonald'

Please help me out!!Is there any other type for declaring the database 
fields other than int,float,string and nb.I am using Zope version 2.5.1 . 
The documentation covers Zope 2.5.


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