[Zope-dev] Re: TALES idea: tuple unpacking

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 13:24:32 -0400

(I'm cc'ing zope-dev this time)

Evan Simpson wrote:
> Jim Penny wrote:
>> Hate this.  Looks like a typecast of some kind, int is way to overused
>> for this.  If you must, why not index:  ?
> Hmmm.  I hadn't thought of that before, but I've certainly wanted to 
> tell the path traverser whether to use attribute, index, or key access 
> on several occasions (using 'items' as a dictionary key bites me 
> regularly).  This suggests the following prefixes:
> 'key:' -- use item access with the prefixed string.
> 'index:' -- use item access with the prefixed integer.
> 'attr:' -- use attribute access with the prefixed string.

I agree, "index:" is better.  I had a mental block that made me think of 
only "item:", which would be ambiguous.
