[Zope-dev] Re: DBtab and BDBStorage
Shane Hathaway
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 16:35:46 -0400
Andrew R. Halko wrote:
> Thanks Shane. Is all of your suggestions along with the setup I was
> considering? I have to research ZEO, cause I know nothing about it. Do
> you mind explaining the last two things just a slight more as I am
> unfamiliar. Such as how you figure out cache and what is packing?
FileStorages only append until you pack. Visit the database control
panel to remove old versions of objects. No wonder your database is
big--since you've never packed, your database contains all revisions
ever committed. Packing will help a lot.
To figure out the right cache size, start with 4000 (as you have done.)
Let your site run and look at the activity graph for each database
after an hour of peak usage. If it's loading a lot of objects on every
request, increase the cache size to use more RAM (but don't make Zope
swap!) If it's hardly loading anything, decrease the cache size to give
RAM back to the system.
Mounting portal_catalog is a new trick I've been asking people to try.
Just put it in a mounted database. Once you've done that, your main
database will probably grow much more slowly than before.