small summary and big plea was:(Re: [Zope-dev] Versions: should
they die?)
Oliver Bleutgen
Fri, 06 Jun 2003 22:48:41 +0200
Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Oliver Bleutgen wrote at 2003-6-6 11:46 +0200:
> > 3. And (minor problem, but whatever), since zope relies completely on
> > the browser to send cookies only the right time (i.e. that the path set
> > for the cookie must match a prefix of the request-URI), this might
> > also give unexpected results with acquisition.
> 3. is already implemented correctly (I think).
I doubt it, since the code which causes the opening of a versioned db
connection doesn't know anything about the path semantics of the value
of 'Zope-Version'.
Let's say you have
and have entered the version at aFolder/aVersion and POST to
(manage_doSomething changes aMethod)
your browser will send a 'Zope-Version' cookie with value
'aFolder/aVersion' (standards conform, since you are requesting an URL
below '/aFolder', the path of this 'Zope-Version' cookie), and aMethod
will be locked in that version.
Not tested, but I would take a bet.